Did you know that it’s possible to hide your furnace in the basement? I have something of a hideous furnace in my basement and I was a little tired of looking at it. I saw no reason why I should put up with the way my furnace looks. Rather than replacing it with a more appealing one, I hid it. You can too.

Ideas to Hide Your Furnace In The Basement
Furnaces clearly aren’t designed to look aesthetically pleasing. There are a wide range of ideas to hide your furnace in the basement, and some of them may be ideal. Bear in mind that you need to make sure your furnace stays sufficiently ventilated at all times.
Cover your furnace with a curtain
Covering your furnace with a curtain can ensure that it stays out of sight while remaining ventilated. You can typically buy curtains that match or complement any décor. Think about the color scheme that you want to use and find some curtains that work well.
Ensure that you leave plenty of space between the curtains and your furnace so there’s always enough ventilation. You need to prevent your curtains from becoming too hot. Try to leave enough space so that you can freely move in between the curtain and the furnace even when the curtains are shut.
If you plan to spend a lot of time in your basement, consider buying darker colored curtains. Curtains such as these won’t show the dirt quite as well as lighter colored ones.
Use Louvered doors

Using Louvered doors is ideal as they allow your furnace to stay ventilated. In addition to this, doors such as these look good and can complement your décor. Louvered doors don’t cost very much and they can hide your furnace perfectly well.
If you want to go the extra mile to hide your furnace, you could add a few shelves to the doors. However, you will need to make sure that there is still adequate ventilation.
Louvered doors can be hung on their own if the furnace is sat in a corner or at an angle. Two doors hung next to each other can allow you to hide your furnace while allowing you to have relatively easy access.
Louvered doors can be painted any color you wish and they can match or complement your basement’s decor. However, as your furnace will get warm from time to time, it’s worth using paint that can tolerate heat. Otherwise, you may need to repaint your new Louvered doors now and again.
If you don’t want to paint your Louvered doors, consider using some varnish that’s tough enough to withstand a bit of heat.
Create a ventilated closet

A well-ventilated closet can prove to be a great way to hide a furnace while ensuring it stays safe. You can create a closet that fits the dimensions of your furnace.
A large closet could contain shelves on one or both sides and the furnace at the other end. It’s important that there is plenty of room for you to reach the furnace easily. Should you need to get to the furnace quickly, having boxes and other items in your way could hamper your efforts.
A well-ventilated closet can be the ideal storage location for items that can get a little warm now and again. While a closet that contains a furnace isn’t ideal for food, tools can be kept in it.
When it comes to creating a ventilated closet, the design is up to you. Closets can be decorated as much or as little as you please. They can add a special touch to the rest of the basement while hiding a potentially unsightly furnace.
Use a room divider
Room dividers are available in many different sizes and patterns. You can buy both large and small room dividers that act as a movable wall. Some room dividers even have hangers and shelves on one side, making them even more useful.
Depending on the size and position of your furnace, you may need a few room dividers. Try to choose dividers that complement or match the style of your basement. If your basement is particularly damp, opt for plastic room dividers as their wooden counterparts can succumb to the damp over time.
Room dividers offer a very simple yet effective way to hide your furnace. Just make sure that before you buy a divider or two you know exactly how much space you need to fill. If your furnace is in the corner of your basement, a room divider can hide your furnace.
Room dividers allow for easy access to a furnace. They simply need to be moved to one side so you can reach your furnace as and when you need to.
Place shelving around your furnace
Placing shelving around your furnace can make it seem a little less obvious. Of course, you will need to leave at least 30 inches between the shelf edges and the furnace. However, if you want ideas to hide the furnace, this is one of the best.
A relatively low maintenance way to hide your furnace, this method ensures you have easy access at all times. It also means that you can store many different items off the floor, giving you much more space.
The number of shelves that you use is up to you. Bear in mind, however, that you may have to alter the height of some of the shelves to compensate for any furnace pipes. This could mean that some of the shelves on one side of your furnace may be higher than those on the other side.
You could, perhaps, work around having shelves located at different heights. For example, you could store tall items on one side and smaller items on the other.
The shelving can also be as deep as you wish, just make sure that you can reach the back of it, should you need to. Try to only store items close to your furnace that are ok with getting a little warm from time to time. Anything that could potentially set alight should not be placed anywhere near the furnace.
Think about the type of shelving that you want to use. Do you want to use traditional wooden shelving or metallic shelving? No matter what you choose to use, shelving is a good option to hide your furnace.
Build a wall around your furnace
Building a wall around your furnace is a semi-permanent way for you to hide it. Unless you know how to build a wall yourself, you may need to hire someone to do the job. Walls need to be stable and strong enough to withstand a little abuse.
Measure the area around your furnace and leave at least 30 inches of free space on both sides. You’ll also need to ensure there’s enough room for you or someone else to reach the furnace. Don’t forget to account for the space that the bricks take up.
If you don’t think you have enough space to build a wall around your furnace, it may be worth considering other options. If you choose to build a wall, as soon as they are built, you could attach a door frame and hang a furnace door. A door can help your furnace to stay protected while keeping it out of sight.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to hide my furnace?
No, you do not have to hide your furnace. However, most people find furnaces unsightly. If you want to convert your basement into a usable room, you should consider hiding it. In addition to keeping your furnace out of sight, it’s less likely to become damaged if it’s protected by doors, curtains, or a cabinet.
Can I move my furnace?
Yes. One of the best locations is somewhere that is a little out of the way. If you have an unused corner in your basement, you could move your furnace there. However, you will need a professional to help you as ductwork and utilities will need to be moved.
How close should items be stored next to my furnace?
Ideally, items should be stored at least 30 inches away from all sides of your furnace. Not only can your furnace get warm, but you may also need access to it from time to time. Think about which areas of your furnace you’ll need access to. Remind yourself to keep items away from these areas so that you can gain access when you need them.