How to Get Oil Stains Out of Timberland Boots: 7 Tried & Tested Methods

Blot as much of the oil as possible, then apply a generous amount of cornstarch or talcum powder over the oil stains. Let it sit overnight. The next day, wipe the residue away with a cloth and repeat the process if necessary, but this time use more powder and elbow grease to loosen up the oil.

Timberland boots are costly for working and hiking as they’re made of leather or suede.

Moreover, if treated with a waterproof coating, they can remain in good condition for many years and justify their high price.

However, accidents happen. You might have accidentally spilled oil over your boots. If left untreated, oil stains can become permanent.

In today’s article, we will teach you how to get oil stains out of Timberland boots using both common household products and commercial stain removers.

With that being said, let’s dive right in and save your boots, so you can keep on wearing them for many years to come.

How to Get Oil Stains Out of Timberland Boots: 7 Methods

Prepare your boots for cleaning by removing any dirt and debris stuck to their exterior. Wipe them with a damp towel to remove the dust off their surface, and use a soft brush to brush off any excess residue.

If you’re dealing with stubborn dirt stuck in the sole, you can grab a special brush kit from Timberland’s official website. Moreover, if they’re nubuck or suede Timberland boots, consider buying special brushes as these materials can require extra care.

Lastly, don’t forget to remove the shoelaces and wash them separately by hand or in the washing machine. Now, let’s get cleaning!

Method 1: Baby Powder, Talc Powder, Or Cornstarch

Press a paper towel over the oil stains and soak up as much oil as possible. When the first paper towel seems soaked in grease, toss it, and put a new one until there’s nothing left.

Then, sprinkle a generous amount of either baby powder, cornstarch, or talc powder over the affected area. Let the powder sit overnight. The next day, use a small clean cloth or toothbrush to remove the powder from the boots.

You can also use the toothbrush to fluff up the grain of the suede or leather. If your boots seem clean, you’re done.

If you can still see the stains, repeat the same process until they’re gone. Moreover, if overnight soaking hasn’t solved the issue, rub a small amount of talcum powder or cornstarch on the oil stains.

Rub faster until the friction warms up the affected area. The heat will loosen up the oils and help the powder absorb any leftovers.

These steps should be enough to lift oil stains. If they’re still visible, we suggest using a leather-cleaning treatment made for stain removal. Most leather-cleaning treatments can successfully remove water, dirt, and oil.

First, examine the leather grain, which heads in a specific direction. Then, run the product into the leather using a dry cloth, following the grain for better results.

Method 2: Soap and Water

If you’re in a pinch, you can use soap and water to get stains out of your boots. It’s a very simple and almost costless method that will take 2 minutes of your time.

You will need a soft brush, towel, liquid soap, and water.

First, clean the soles and bottom of your boots. Then, apply a small amount of soap to the brush and scrub the oily stains. Make a mix of soap and water, dip a towel in it and scrub some more.

Proceed to clean the rest of your boots in the same manner.

If you’re dealing with a stubborn oil stain, use the brush to lift it. Once you’re done, wipe your boots with a dry towel, and you’re good to go.

Method 3: Water and Vinegar

Vinegar can help lift oil stains from leather or suede as well. It’s a versatile, cheap, and effective stain cleaner.

It can handle even the most stubborn stains, so give it a try. It’s harmless as it’s natural, so you can use it on almost all types of materials.

Mix 10 parts water and 1 part vinegar in a small bowl. Then, dip a clean cloth in the solution and let it soak for a few minutes. Wring out the cloth and rub the stains with it. You can also use a soft brush to remove the oil completely.

If you have a solution left, clean the rest of the boots.

The best part about vinegar is that it’s great for cleaning salt, oil, and food stains, so your boots will look new afterward. If the oil stains persist, double its amount to get a stronger solution and repeat the process.

Keep in mind that vinegar has a strong smell, so you should probably dry your boots in a place with good ventilation.

Method 4: Baking Soda

Another cheap and effective product that can successfully lift stains is baking soda. So, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the oil stains and let it sit for 1-2 hours.

If it’s a stubborn and deeper oil stain, use a clean cloth to rub the ingredient in. After 1-2 hours, wipe it off with a cloth or sponge. The product will take in the oil stain and leave your boots clean.

Method 5: Baby Wipes and Bread

You can find baby wipes and bread at local stores.

We highly suggest using baby wipes instead of regular wet wipes as they’re gentle and won’t damage your boots. Wipe the whole surface of your Timberland boots with a few wipes until it’s fully clean.

Once it’s clean, use stale crust-free bread to remove the stains.

Bread has a similar texture to fine-grade sandpaper, so scrubbing with it will lift different types of stains. Finally, dust off the crumbs with a brush or cloth, and you’re done.

Method 6: Specialty Products

Timberland doesn’t only produce high-quality boots–they also provide special tools for cleaning different types of leather.

These products won’t only clean your boots but also nourish and protect the leather. The only downside is that they’re more expensive than household products such as the ones mentioned above.

So, if you can get your hands on these products, they can help you remove any types of stains, including oil stains, in no time.

Visit Timberland’s official website to see what they’re offering for your boots and buy the right cleaning product. They all come with instructions that you should follow for the best results.

Since they’re expensive, you can use any of the home cleaning methods above weekly, while giving your boots a more thorough cleaning using these products at least once a month.

Method 7: Timberland Cleaning Kit

Timberland also has a cleaning kit that you can order online and use to keep your boots in superb condition at all times.

You will get a brush, a dirt remover, balm proofer, eraser, and a user manual. The user manual can help people who have never cleaned their boots learn how to do it properly without causing damage.

The best part? You can use the cleaning kit for stain removal as well.

First, use the small brush to remove any type of stuck dirt so you can clearly see the oil stains. Then, use the eraser to remove any spots.

Gently rub any spots you see in a circular motion until they’re gone. Keep in mind that the eraser won’t remove grease.

You can use the brush provided in the kit to fluff up the affected area, then sprinkle a layer of any of the powders mentioned above. 

Let it sit for about 1-2 hours or overnight for better results. The next day, use the brush to remove the cornstarch residue. If the stains persist, repeat the process.

Lastly, apply the balm proofer for ultimate protection. It’s a water and stain repellant that will keep your boots water and stain-free at all times!

FAQs on How to Get Oil Stains Out of Timberland Boots

Does sanitizer ruin suede?

Hand sanitizer won’t ruin suede. So, you can use hand sanitizer to clean your suede possessions, but keep in mind that the material can get scuffed up.

How do you get old oil stains out of Timberland boots?

If you’re dealing with old stubborn oil stains, rub baking soda in the stains with a cloth. Let it sit for a few hours, then brush off the residue. If this doesn’t do the trick, try some of the specialty products by Timberland.

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