How To Get Lip Gloss Out Of Clothes?

Dish soap is suitable for cleaning any material, so you can use it to remove stains from clothes. First, remove as much lip gloss as possible. Second, mix dish soap with warm water in a bucket. Third, soak your garment for a while and rinse. If it’s a small stain, apply the dish soap directly to the stain and remove it with a brush.

If you’re looking for effective ways to get lip gloss out of clothes, you’re in luck. I’ve made a list of quick and easy solutions you can try! They all include household products you probably have laying around, so let’s dive right in and get cleaning!

How To Get Lip Gloss Out Of Clothes: 15 Solutions

A smear of lip gloss on your clothes before going out can ruin your whole mood, but if you have any of the following household products on hand, you can easily salvage the situation and go out with squeaky clean clothes and a smile on your face!


OxiClean contains sodium percarbonate and sodium carbonate. And you can use this common household product for cleaning stubborn stains on clothes, kitchen slabs, ties, etc. It’s perfect for removing any type of stain including food stains and makeup stains.

Step 1: Use a brush or cloth to remove any excess product. Avoid pressing the lip gloss into the clothes. Otherwise, you will end up with a tougher stain.

Step 2: Spray generous amounts of OxiClean directly onto the lip gloss stain. Let it soak into the clothes for a while.

Step 3: Wash your clothes as you regularly would in the washing machine.

Extra tip: Avoid using this cleaner on delicate fabrics such as pure silk and silk and wool blends.


A small amount of ammonia can remove most stains including lip gloss. You should wear gloves and a face mask when handling it since it’s a strong chemical.

Step 1: Add a small amount of ammonia to a bowl of water and dab a cotton ball into it.

Step 2: Rub the wet cotton ball starting outside the stain and going inward. Keep on rubbing the lip gloss until you have completely removed it.

Step 3: Wash your clothes as you normally would in the washing machine.

Dish Soap

Dish soap can do wonders for your stained clothes. It’s the perfect cleaning product for delicate materials such as silk with small stains that shouldn’t be exposed to harsh chemicals.

Step 1: If it’s potent dish soap, just mix it with water. Then, depending on the size of the lip gloss stain, you can either soak your garment or apply a small amount of dish soap directly to the stain.

Step 2: Use a brush to rub the stain and remove as much as possible. The dish soap will quickly break down the oils of the lip gloss and get it off your garment.

Step 3: Wash your garment as you usually would in the washing machine.

Liquid Detergent

Just like dish soap, liquid detergent can successfully remove different stains including lip gloss. If you don’t have a liquid detergent on hand, you can use shampoo and yield the same results. Don’t use anything that contains bleaching properties. Otherwise, you will ruin your clothes.

Step 1: Remove as much product as possible with a knife with a dull edge. Then, add lukewarm water to the lip gloss stain using a small cup or eyedropper.

Step 2: Add a small amount of liquid detergent or shampoo to the affected area and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.

Step 3: Dap the stained area with a cotton ball to remove any residue before you rinse your garment in warm water. You can also wash as usual in the washing machine.


You can use this common and versatile tool to remove different stains like paint marks, pen marks, and makeup stains. You should apply it to damp stains only as dry ones aren’t so easy to remove once they have settled into the fabric.

Step 1: Spray hair spray directly onto the damp lip gloss stains, then work it into the fabric by rubbing it with the help of a small brush or toothbrush.

Step 2: Continue brushing until the lip gloss stains start fading.

Step 3: Wash your garment as usual with detergent in the washing machine.

Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol makes a great cleaning product for stubborn stains including blueberry stains, oil stains, deodorant stains, and makeup stains, even on polyester fabric.

Step 1: Using a knife with a dull edge or credit card remove as much of the lip gloss as possible.

Step 2: Add a small amount of rubbing alcohol to a small bowl. Then, soak a clean and thin cloth in the bowl and blot the stain with it.

Step 3: Wash your garment using boiling water and let it air dry.

Extra tip: Never rub the alcohol in the fabric. Otherwise, you will push the lip gloss even deeper and make the removal process very difficult.

White Vinegar

White vinegar is toxin-free, affordable, easily accessible, and makes a great cleaning product for stubborn stains as well as removing any potent smell.

Step 1: Using the back of a spoon remove as much lip gloss as possible.

Step 2: Mix white vinegar and water, then using a sponge add the cleaning mixture to the stain and rub it intensively until it’s completely removed.

Step 3: Wash your garment with cold water and mild detergent afterward.

Laundry Detergent

Just like dish soap and liquid detergent, laundry detergent can lift lip gloss from your garment. You should use a laundry detergent that has enough enzymes to break down the oils and thickeners in the lip gloss.

Step 1: Remove any excess lip gloss using a knife with a dull edge.

Step 2: Soak the fabric in a basin with lukewarm water and laundry detergent. Then, rub off the stains using your fingers, a soft-bristled brush, or a toothbrush.

Step 3: Let it sit for about 30 minutes, then wash your garment with hot water.

Baking Soda

This common and versatile product can quickly absorb grease and odors. It’s strong, so a little goes a long way! It will not only remove the stain but also deodorize your clothes.

Step 1: Scrape off any excess lip gloss. Then, add 1 cup of baking soda to a half bucket of water.

Step 2: Soak your garment in the bucket and leave it overnight if you’re not in a hurry.

Step 3: If you’re in a hurry, you can sprinkle baking soda directly on the stain. Then, rub the stain off with a  soft-bristled brush. Finally, wash your garment as usual.

Goo Gone

Goo Gone is a super versatile product that can easily remove any stains including paint marks, gooey messes, sticker residue, and makeup stains.

Since it’s a potent substance that can damage your garment if used in a large amount, you should be very careful when handling Goo Gone.

Step 1: Buy a spray gel bottle that’s user-friendly and helps you manage the amount you use.

Step 2: Spray the product directly onto the lip gloss stain and rub it off with a sponge or brush. Avoid touching Goo Gone with bare hands.

Step 3: Once the stain is completely lifted, wash your garment as you normally would in the washing machine.

Extra tip: Never use Goo Gone on leather and silk garments. Furthermore, never use it while you have the garment on.


This lubricant blend includes Vaseline, alkanes, and baby oil, so it’s a powerful cleaner that can help you remove any stains including lip gloss stains.

Step 1: Shake your WD-40, then spray directly onto the lip gloss stain.

Step 2: Leave the cleaner for a couple of minutes before washing your garment as usual in the washing machine.

Step 3: If the stain is stubborn, you can follow up with a small amount of baking soda and then wash your garment with a strong laundry detergent.


Mixing acetone with other household products can make a very effective stain remover. If your clothes contain acetate, avoid this method.

Step 1: Add acetone onto the stain.

Step 2: Using a toothbrush or soft-bristled brush rub off the stain.

Step 3: Rinse the affected area with rubbing alcohol or ammonia for even better results.

Lemon Juice And Baking Soda

Mixing lemon juice and baking soda can also help you remove lip gloss stains from your garment, even older ones thanks to the acidity of the lemon.

Step 1: Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in a bowl.

Step 2: Apply the paste onto the stain and let it sit for about 30 minutes.

Step 3: Without removing the paste, wash your garment as you normally would in the washing machine.

Shaving Cream

Shaving cream can easily break down oils. And since lip gloss has oils and thickeners, your shaving cream can help you remove lip gloss stains.

Step 1: Add a small amount of shaving cream to the affected area. Then, using a cloth, blot up the stain.

Step 2: Let it sit for about 30 minutes.

Step 3: Wash your garment as you normally would in the washing machine.


Mixing regular table salt with vinegar can also help with stain removal. Keep in mind that this method works for fresh stains only!

Step 1: Mix salt and vinegar in a small bowl. Then, directly rub the paste on the stain.

Step 2: Let it sit for about 15 minutes. Then, using a damp cloth wipe away the paste from your garment.

Step 3: If it’s a tough stain, add the paste again and let it sit for 20 minutes, then wash your garment as you usually would in the washing machine.

FAQs For How To Get Lip Gloss Out Of Clothes

How to Remove Lip Gloss From Jeans?

Mix as much dishwashing detergent as you think you will need and warm water. Then, apply the solution to the stain with a clean cloth and gently scrub until it’s gone.

How to Get Lip Gloss Out of White Clothes?

You can easily remove lip gloss from white clothes with rubbing alcohol. First, wipe the stain with rubbing alcohol to remove as much lip gloss as possible, then wash as usual.

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