How To Clean A Futon Mattress – Step By Step

Vacuum your futon, then deodorize it and remove any stains with a mix of laundry detergent or other household products and lukewarm water. I highly suggest that you use futon covers to keep your futon clean in the future.

If your futon mattress looks a little “tired” or dirty, maybe it’s time for a refreshment.

Cleaning your futon mattress can be a walk in the park with this guide, so definitely take a look. I will also share a few maintenance tips, so read till the very end and take notes!

How To Clean A Futon Mattress: Quick & Easy Guide

Cleaning your futon mattress will take 30 minutes or less.

The best part? You don’t need commercial cleaning products. All you need is a vacuum cleaner and baking soda and laundry detergent for deodorizing and removing stains.

If you’re handling urine or stubborn stains, you might need commercial products such as enzyme cleaners, so keep that in mind.

Step 1: Vacuum Your Mattress

The first thing I do with every mattress is vacuum it to remove loose dirt, hair, and other debris. First, unfold your futon mattress, then run the vacuum over it.

If you notice any dirt in cracks and crevices, use a brush attachment to remove it. Then, flip your futon mattress over and repeat the same process on the other side.

Step 2: Deodorize Your Futon Mattress

Unfortunately, futon mattresses develop a smell over time but don’t worry! You can get rid of this smell in 2 easy steps.

First, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda all over it and let it sit for about 1 hour. Second, remove the baking soda with your vacuum cleaner.

Step 3: Clean The Frame

When you’re done cleaning your mattress, you should clean the frame. Dust it with a commercial dusting mixture. If you have metal frames, use a damp cloth only. 

Extra tip: Test any cleaning product you use on a small part of the frame to determine if it’s causing any damage before it’s too late.

Step 4: Remove Stains

If you notice any stains, you can mix 1 cup of lukewarm water and laundry detergent and gently blot the stains out. Don’t use too much water. Otherwise, excess moisture can cause even bigger issues such as mold and mildew.

Most stains will vanish with water and detergent. If you’re dealing with a tougher stain, you can use a commercial cleaning product. Make sure to test it on a hidden part of your futon mattress first to see if it causes any damage such as discoloration.

Regular Stains

No matter what type of stain you’re trying to remove, you should press and lift it instead of rubbing it. If you rub on it, the stain could smudge and become one with the fabric.

Then, add a mixture of vinegar and water to your futon mattress. Mix half water and half white vinegar in a bucket. Then, pour enough of it over the stain to cover it completely.

Urine Stains

First, use paper towels to soak up as much of the urine stains as possible. Then, use vinegar and water to lift the rest of the stains. If that doesn’t work, opt for a commercial enzyme cleaner.

Mold Or Mildew Stains

If you notice mold or mildew, you can lift it with a mix of rubbing alcohol and water. Mix equal parts of rubbing alcohol and water and pour the mixture over the stain.

You can use this mixture as prevention for mild or mildew every time your futon mattress gets damp. A mix of baking powder, hydrogen peroxide, and dishwashing detergent can also help you lift this stain or any stain for that matter.

Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the stain. Then, add a mixture of a quarter cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide and a teaspoon of laundry detergent.

Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes, then clean the stain with a towel. Blot the stain until you’ve removed all of the cleaning products. As you blot out your cleaning products, the stain should lift.

If nothing works, contact professional cleaners.

Step 5: Let It Air Dry And Vacuum Again

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Let your futon mattress dry for about a day and avoid using it until it’s fully dry. To speed up the process, use hair dryers or expose your futon mattress to direct sunlight to help it dry faster.

Finally, vacuum it one last time to remove any residue such as excess baking soda, and voila! You have a smell-free and clean futon mattress!

How To Maintain A Futon Mattress Properly

Proper and regular maintenance will keep your futon mattress in good shape for longer. The following maintenance tips can help you get the most out of your mattress.

Use Futon Covers For Protection

I would highly suggest that you invest in futon covers for your mattress. That way, you will keep it safe from spills and/or stains at all times.

Air Out Your Futon Mattress Occasionally

If you use a futon cover, don’t leave it on your mattress all the time. For instance, when cleaning your mattress, take off the cover 1 hour before you start cleaning to give it time to breathe and air out.

Never Place Your Futon Mattress On The Floor

I recommend that you use a frame instead of placing your futon on the floor. The closer your mattress is to the floor, the more dirt and debris it will collect, which translates into more frequent cleaning on your part.

Flip Your Futon Mattress Regularly

If it’s a new futon mattress, I would suggest that you flip it once a week. If you have had your futon mattress for a while, you should flip it once a month to prevent sagging.

Can I Wash A Futon Mattress?

It depends on the mattress. If the tag of your mattress says it’s machine washable, then you can definitely wash it. Follow the next steps on how to do it properly!

Step 1: Check The Tag For Instructions

If it’s a machine-washable futon, the tag should specify the recommended temperature, washing cycle type, and drying options, so definitely check it for clues.

Step 2: Vacuum Your Mattress First

As you would do when cleaning your futon mattress by hand, you should vacuum it first. If you remove any debris before throwing your futon into the washing machine, you will get much better results!

Furthermore, if you’re using a removable futon cover, wash it separately. Usually, covers and mattresses require different washing settings and temperatures. 

Step 3: Make Sure Your Washing Machine Is Big Enough

Finally, make sure your washing machine can fit your futon mattress. These mattresses usually come in Twin, King, and Queen sizes.

Therefore, some sizes might not fit into a regular washing machine. If your mattress doesn’t fit your washing machine, visit the laundromats, as they usually have larger washing machines.

Moreover, make sure your mattress doesn’t fill the inside of the washing machine completely. Mattresses need extra space for a proper wash.

Final tip: If you don’t have a dryer that could fit your mattress, make sure to wash it on a sunny day. Or visit the laundromats as they have bigger commercial-grade dryers as well.

How Do You Freshen Up A Futon?

You can easily freshen up your futon without washing it. First, air out your futon. Take it outside and leave it in the fresh air for a couple of hours.

You can also open a window and leave it near it for a while. In most cases, these easy methods can make your mattress smell fresh.

if the odor is too strong, you can sprinkle baking soda all over it and let it sit for about 1-2 hours. The baking soda absorbs odors very well.

After 1-2 hours, vacuum it and you’re done! If neither of these methods works, you might want to wash your futon mattress to remove the strong smells and allergens trapped inside.

FAQs On How To Clean A Futon Mattress

How To Remove A Futon Mattress?

First, remove all the bedding. Then, ask someone for help with removing the mattress. Each of you should grab a side of it and carefully lift it off the frame and onto the floor.

How Do You Clean Urine Out Of A Futon Mattress?

You can remove urine from your mattress with white vinegar. Add as much vinegar as you think you need to a spray bottle and spray the affected areas. Vinegar is a natural deodorizer, so it will take off the urine stains while banishing the unpleasant odor.

Are Futon Covers Washable?

Futon covers aren’t the same as regular bed sheets. They’re made of thicker materials, but they’re still machine washable. In fact, you should wash your futon covers a couple of times a month if they’re used regularly.

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